We thus examined and discussed in the field the geodetic, seismological and tectonic results and issues concerning :
- The structure, seismotectonics of the western front of the Andes in the regions of Santiago (the active San Ramón fault and associated fold and thrust belt) and La Serena-Vicuña, and related seismic hazard.
- A complete synthetic section of the Andes, from Los Andes-Portillo (Chile) to Mendoza (Argentina), across the Western and Aconcagua fold and thrust belts, the basement culmination of the Frontal Cordillera, and the eastern Precordillera.
- The coastal geomorphology and tectonics, in relation with megathrust earthquakes, seismic cycle and segmentation, in the region of the 2015 Illapel earthquake (between La Serena and Los Vilos).